Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation: Campaign against Tamara Skrozza was coordinated

September 2, 2024

The Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation has conducted detailed analysis of the witch-hunt against renowned journalist Tamara Skrozza, which was led over the course of multiple days, in two periods at the end of July and during August, by Serbia’s political elite, pro-government journalists and political analysts, encompassing national television stations, the highest circulating tabloids and social media platforms, over the false interpretation of her statements regarding politicians from the period of Slobodan Milošević’s rule.

The SĆF views this campaign is an illustrative example of how the upper echelons of government, and the media outlets under their control, launch and lead campaigns against dissenting individuals, which is an almost daily occurrence in Serbia.

SĆF analysis reveals how Interior Minister Ivica Dačić (president of the Slobodan Milošević-founded Socialist Party of Serbia) stated, during a guest appearance on TV Pink, that Skrozza had called for the murders of politicians from the 1990s. Just a few minutes prior to his statement, and immediately following it, an identical text making the very same accusations against Skrozza was posted on the portals of pro-government tabloids, revealing that the campaign was agreed in advance. The campaign continued for days on national television shows and in tabloids.

It is concluded in the analysis that the witch-hunt was orchestrated and organized in such a way that senior government, national television channels, pro-government tabloids and analysts would present Skrozza’s statement as a call to violence and murder, first and foremost directed against Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.

When it comes to politicians, the campaign included the participation of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, a total of four government ministers, an advisor to the prime minister and an MP of the ruling party. Contributions to the campaign were also made by many pro-government political analysts, television presenters and journalists.

Skrozza has denied having ever calling for murder, or of mentioning anyone’s name or function.