Third lawsuit filed against Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation over reaction to acquittals in journalist’s murder trial

July 15, 2024

Following Miroslav Kurak and Milan Radonjić, Ratko Romić, another former senior official of the Department of State Security from the Slobodan Milošević era, is suing the Slavko Ćuruvija foundation over a statement expressing its opposition to the Court of Appeal’s verdict in the case of the murder of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija.

The three former officials were formally accused of murder in 2015, with the first-instance court twice convicting and sentencing them to lengthy prison terms, only for them to be acquitted by the Court of Appeal in February of this year, after a legal procedure lasting nine years.

Now, in response to alleged “defamation”, Romić joins the previous two former defendants in demanding compensation of 500,000 dinars from the Foundation. Radonjić and Kurak are seeking the same sum in lawsuits filed over the SĆF’s reaction to the verdict.

The Slavko Ćuruvi Foundation announced that, despite the pressure and lawsuits, it will continue to fight for all media workers to be able to work freely and to the end of impunity over the threats and violence to which they are exposed.